Follow/Watch a Project

This feature is available to all users

Project watchers receive notifications whenever any task within a project is updated or changed in any way. Becoming a project watcher is a great way for project managers to stay updated on their team's progress.

What is a Project Watcher?

Project watchers receive notifications whenever any task within a project is changed in any way, as if they were following each task in the project individually. Becoming a project watcher is a great way for project managers to stay updated on their team's progress.

Become a Project Watcher

You can become a project watcher from the project settings window.


  1. Click the project name at the top of your project board.
  2. Select Project Settings from the drop-down menu.
  3. Click the bell icon in the top-right corner of the project settings window.


View All Project Activity

You can keep up to date with all project activity by checking the Activity Stream. Scroll through the Activity Stream to see all changes and actions in the project, including comments and changes to task assignee/ status/ section.


To view the Activity Stream:


  1. Open the project.
  2. Click on the Activity and Filters button below your user avatar in the top-right corner of MeisterTask.
  3. If needed, switch to the Activity tab next to the Filters icon.


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