Attach Files to Tasks

Users with a Basic subscription can upload files up to a size of 20 MB per file.
Users with a Pro or Business subscription can upload files up to a size of 200 MB per file.

Attach files
or notes to any task to quickly share relevant documents with your project collaborators. Attachments can then be favorited or shared, making it easier for everyone to access the information they need to work together effectively.

Attach Files to a Task

In MeisterTask, there are four different ways to attach a file to a task. You can:

  • Drag and drop files directly into the task window.
  • Copy a file or image (Ctrl+C) and paste it into the task window (Ctrl+V).
  • Use the file picker to select a new note. Learn more about adding notes to tasks.
  • Use the file picker to select a new attachment from your local driveDropbox, OneDrive or Google Drive, or paste a link to the cloud storage platform of your choice.

To use the file picker, follow these simple steps:


  1. Click on any task tile to open the task window.
  2. Select Add attachment on the left side of the task dialog.
  3. Choose whether to upload a file from your hard drive, to attach a file stored in Dropbox, OneDrive, or Google Drive, or to paste a link to any URL.


  4. Once you've attached a file, it will be available to all users in the attachments section of your task and will be prominently displayed on the task tile.



Although files added via OneDrive, Google Drive or a shareable link are not directly stored in MeisterTask, they can still be freely shared and mentioned within your tasks and projects.

OneDrive Attachments

Microsoft users will only be able to add a OneDrive attachment if their global administrator has enabled the feature here.

Delete Attachments

  1. Hover your mouse over an attachment and click the small arrow in the top-right corner of the attachment's icon.
  2. Select Delete to permanently delete your attachment.


Rename Attachments

  1. Click on an attachment to open the attachment viewer.
  2. Click the attachment name in the top-left corner of your screen to rename the attachment



Files attached from Google Drive, OneDrive or via a shareable link cannot be renamed in MeisterTask.

Download Attachments

There are two different ways to download an attachment in MeisterTask:


  1. Hover your mouse over an attachment and click the small arrow in the top-right corner of the attachment icon. Select Download from the drop-down menu. 


  2. You can also click on an attachment to view it and select the cloud icon in the top-right corner of the attachment viewer.



Files attached from Google Drive, OneDrive or a shareable link cannot be downloaded directly from MeisterTask. To download these files, navigate to your data storage platform (i.e. Google Drive or OneDrive) and download them directly.

Set Favorite Attachments

Favorited attachments are marked with a star in the task window. If you set an image as a favorite attachment, its thumbnail will be displayed on the task tile for anyone who views the project, making it easily viewable from your project board. To set a favorite attachment:


  1. Hover your mouse over an attachment and click the small arrow in the top-right corner of the attachment icon.


  2. Select Set as favorite from the drop-down menu.
  3. Favorited images will be prominently displayed on the task tile and will be easily viewable from your project board:


Share Attachments via Mentions

You can link to and share important attachments by mentioning them in comments or checklists. This is especially useful if you have a task with many attachments. To mention an attachment in a checklist or comment:


  1. Create a new comment or checklist item (or select an existing one).
  2. Type / , followed by the name of the attachment you'd like to mention.
  3. Press ENTER.


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