Manage Your Team's Licenses and Subscription Plans

Licenses and Plans can only be managed by team admins

This article describes how to manage your team's licenses and subscription plans. To learn how to create a new team or manage your team members, visit our dedicated article here.

Mobile Users

Team licenses and subscriptions cannot be managed on MeisterTask's mobile app. To manage your team's subscription, use MeisterTask's here.

What are Licenses and Plans?


Each member of your team needs a license to be able to use a paid version of MeisterTask or any other product in the Meister Suite. Licenses are always purchased for a specific product, i.e. for MindMeister or MeisterTask.


Let's say there are 10 people in your team, and they all need to be able to use both MindMeister Pro and MeisterTask Pro. In this case, you'll need to purchase 10 licenses for MindMeister and 10 licenses for MeisterTask. Licenses are NOT interchangeable between products.


Licenses are also always purchased with a specific plan, i.e. Pro or Business. The licenses your team purchases for a specific product must all be on the same plan.


You could purchase 10 MeisterTask Business licenses and 10 MindMeister pro licenses for your team, but you could NOT purchase 8 MeisterTask Business licenses and 2 MeisterTask pro licenses.


Licenses can be purchased or renewed on a monthly, yearly, or bi-annual basis. To learn more about managing payment methods and billing cycles, visit our dedicated help center article here.

View Your Team's MeisterTask Plan and Licenses

Your MeisterTask plan and licenses can be viewed in the Plans section of the accounts page.


  1. Click your user avatar in the top-right corner of the MeisterTask interface.
  2. Select Account from the drop-down menu.
  3. Click Plans in the left sidebar of the accounts page.
  4. Scroll down to see all active licenses and plans for each Meister product your team owns, including:

    • Your current plan (Basic, Pro or Business)
    • The number of licenses your team owns
    • The amount charged at the start of the next payment cycle
    • Whether your subscription is renewed annually or monthly
    • Whether your subscription will automatically renew


Upgrade Your MeisterTask Licenses to a Pro or Business plan

You can upgrade your team's licenses to a Pro or Business plan under Plan in the left sidebar of the accounts page.


  1. Navigate to the Plans section of the Accounts page.
  2. Scroll down to MeisterTask and click Upgrade Now.


  3. Choose whether you'd like to purchase a Pro or Business subscription and click Buy Now.
  4. Select whether you'd like to be billed annually or monthly from the drop-down menu.
  5. Choose how many users (licenses) you'd like to add to your team. 
  6. Click Continue and enter your billing address and payment information.
  7. Click Complete Order. 

That's it! Your upgraded plan is now activated for your team.



Remember that the licenses your team purchases for a specific product must all be on the same plan. This means that upgrading your team's plan for a single product will upgrade all of your team's licenses for that product.

Downgrade Your Licenses to a Pro or Basic plan

You can downgrade your licenses to a Pro or Basic plan at the bottom of the Plan section in the account page. Downgrading to a lower license will take effect at the start of the next license period.


  1. Click your user avatar in the top-right corner of the MeisterTask interface.
  2. Select Account from the drop-down menu.
  3. Click Plans on the left side of the accounts page.
  4. Scroll down to the product you'd like to downgrade.
  5. Click Switch.


  6. In the next window, choose the plan you'd like to downgrade to and click Downgrade.
  7. Confirm your changes in the next window and select Downgrade again. Your changes will take effect at the start of the next license period.

Purchase Additional Licenses for Your Team

You can purchase additional licenses for MeisterTask under Plan in the left sidebar of the accounts page.


  1. Click your user avatar in the top-right corner of the MeisterTask interface.
  2. Select Account from the drop-down menu.
  3. Click Plans on the left side of the accounts page.
  4. Click either of the Edit buttons.


  5. In the next window, click Change.
  6. From the drop-down menu, select the total number of licenses you'd like your team to own.
  7. Click Update. Any additional licenses you've purchased will be available immediately.


Reduce the Number of Licenses Your Team Owns

You can reduce the number of licenses your team owns under Plan in the left sidebar of the accounts page. Reductions to your team's total number of licenses take effect at the beginning of the next license period.


  1. Click your user avatar in the top-right corner of the MeisterTask interface.
  2. Select Account from the drop-down menu.
  3. Click Plans on the left side of the accounts page.
  4. Click either of the Edit buttons.


  5. In the next window, click Change.
  6. From the drop-down menu, choose the total number of licenses you'd like your team to own.
  7. Click Update. Reductions to your total number of licenses will be applied at the beginning of the next license period.

Under-licensed Teams

If your team owns fewer licenses than it has team members (i.e. if you have 10 team members but reduce your total number of licenses to 9), you'll need to choose which team members to disable. To learn more about managing your team and disabling users, visit our dedicated article here.

Cancel Your Subscription

You can cancel your subscription to MeisterTask in the Plans section of the accounts page. Canceling your subscription will downgrade your licenses to the free Basic plan at the end of your next license period.


  1. Click your user avatar in the top-right corner of the MeisterTask interface.
  2. Select Account from the drop-down menu.
  3. Click Plans on the left side of the accounts page.
  4. Scroll down to the product you'd like to cancel.
  5. Click cancel your subscription.


  6. Click downgrade in the next window to confirm your decision. Your cancelation will take effect at the end of the current license period. 

To find out more about managing your billing and payment information, visit our dedicated help center article here.

What If My Team Is Under-Licensed?

If your team owns fewer licenses than it has team members (i.e. if you have 10 team members but only own 9 licenses), unlicensed users will not be able to use the product. The best way to remedy this issue is to purchase more licenses.

Otherwise, you'll need to make a decision as to which team members should be disabled. Disabling a team member from using a specific Meister product will free up one of your licenses, which you can then assign to another user. To learn more about managing your team members and disabling users, visit our dedicated article here.

If you have a dedicated Success Manager and would like to cancel your contract, please reach out to our Accounts team.

If you don't have a dedicated Manager and are having trouble cancelling your subscription, reach out to MeisterTask Support.

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