Checklists on Android

This feature is available to all users 

Create checklists for any task which requires multiple to-do's or action items: simply mark off completed actions to keep track of your team's progress. You can also load checklist templates which you've created in the web app. 

Create New Checklists

To create a new checklist:


  1. Open the task you'd like to add a checklist to.
  2. Scroll down and tap Add Checklist Item. Enter a name for your new checklist item.
  3. Tap the blue circle on the left of any checklist item to cross it off. Tap again to undo.


Add a Pre-Made Checklist Template to a Task

Load checklist templates to save time and avoid creating the the same checklists over and over again.

  • Templates are project-specific. This means that you cannot load a template from one project into another.

  • New checklist templates cannot be created in the Android app. Learn more about creating checklist template in the web app here.

To load a pre-made checklist template:


  1. Open the project in which you've made a checklist template.
  2. Open a task.
  3. Tap the ellipsis (...) to the right of Add Checklist Item.
  4. Tap Load Checklist.
  5. Choose the template you'd like to add. 


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