This feature is available to all users.
Notifications help you stay updated on important updates and changes to Projects, Task, and Notes in MeisterTask. These notifications are available in-app on your notification feed and ensure real-time alerts for key messages.
What Are In-App Notifications in MeisterTask?
In-app notifications are personalized and relevant messages used to communicate critical information or updates in real time.
You'll receive Project and Task notifications whenever:
- You are invited to collaborate on a project
- A task is assigned to you
- Another user mentions you in a comment or checklist item
- A change is made to a task you are watching or assigned to
- Another user completed a task
- Another user deleted a task
- An attachment has been added to the task
- A checklist item is added to a task you were assigned
- Another user commented on a task you were assigned to or are watching
- Another user reacted to a comment or activity of yours
Notifications for project exports and download links are only available in the browser.
You’ll receive Note notifications whenever:
- You are invited to a note
- Another user mentions you in a comment
- Another user starts or resolves a discussion or comments on a page you are watching
Please note that you will only receive a notification if the action is done by another user, e.g. if someone else invites you, assigns you a task, or creates an automation for you. You will not receive notifications for actions you complete yourself.
View In-App Notification
To access your in-app notifications feed, click the Notifications tab (bell icon) located in the bottom-left corner. You can filter between:
- All – View all notifications across Tasks and Notes (default)
- Mentions – View all mention notifications across Tasks and Notes
- Project – View just Task notifications
- Note – View just Note notifications
You can distinguish between the type of notifications by the icons that are used.
Notifications are displayed in chronological order, with the newest notifications appearing at the top of the feed. All notification streams are always sorted by creation date.
You can switch off the Show all toggle to focus on notifications you haven’t seen yet.
Mark Notifications as Read
To mark a notification as read:
- Click on it.
- Or swipe across it to the right.
Please be aware, you cannot undo this action. Once a notification is marked as read, you cannot mark it as unread.
Unread notifications are highlighted with a red dot on the notification tile. When the notification is marked as read, the red dot is removed and the notification will not be visible when the Show all filter is not enabled. To view the read notification, toggle the Show all filter to show all notifications.
Notifications can only be marked as read when you are online.
Ways of Receiving Notifications
Beyond in-app notifications, MeisterTask offers several other ways to stay updated.
Push Notifications
- Mobile app users can also set up push notifications. With push notifications enabled, you will receive all in-app notifications on your mobile device, even when you are in a different app or not using your device.
- Push-notifications can be enabled and disabled via mobile phone settings.
Email notifications
- You can additionally set up email notifications. You can choose to receive all important and relevant messages not just in the app, but also in your email inbox.
- You can set up and change your preferences about email notifications via the browser only.
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