Search for Tasks or Notes

This feature is available to all users.


Advanced search filters are only available to users on a Pro or Business plan. This includes searching for tasks/notes that have been deleted or archived.

Click the magnifying glass on the left sidebar to search all projects, tasks, notes and pages that you have access to. To initiate a search, it's necessary to enter text in the search field. Merely selecting filters will not activate the search function.

Search Projects, Tasks and Notes

To search for projects, tasks and notes in any of your projects:


  1. Click on the magnifying glass in the top-left corner of the MeisterTask interface.
  2. Type in your search term. Type in your search term. To search for something, it's necessary to enter text in the search field. If you don't have specific text to search for, you can search using only filters. To do this, type * into the search box and add filters as required. In the results, you'll find notes and projects. You will only see tasks as well if you opened the search within a project.
  3. Select Show all search results to see everything, including notes, projects and tasks. 
  4. Narrow down your search by using the filters at the top of the search pop-up window.
    You can filter your search by:
    - Notes
    - Projects
    - Tasks

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You can distinguish between search results based on their icons:

- A task icon indicates a task

- A round icon indicates a project

- A square icon indicates a note


Use the keyboard shortcut (Apple: CMD + K / Windows: CTRL + K) to quickly open the search window and find what you’re looking for.

Search For Tasks

To search for a specific task:

  1. Click the magnifying glass in the top-left corner of the interface.
  2. Type in your search term. To search for something, it's necessary to enter text in the search field. To search for something using only filters, enter * into the search box.
  3. Select Show all search results to see everything, including notes, projects and tasks.
  4. Select the filter Tasks. Scroll to the right to view all advanced search filters available:
    Due date
    Status (Active, Archive, Deleted)

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When searching for tasks, use advanced filters to narrow your results. The Status filter can be especially helpful. By selecting this filter and choosing Active tasks, you can narrow your search results to include only active tasks and exclude Archived and Deleted tasks. You can easily search for Completed tasks using our Reports feature. However, please note that filtering for completed tasks in the Search feature is currently not available.


Hover over the search result and select the blue arrow to view and open the search result. If you want to open the result in a new tab, use the keyboard shortcuts:
- CMD + Enter
- CMD + click
- or right-click Open Link in New Tab

Search For Content in a Specific Note or Page

You can also search an open note or page for specific content. To do this, open a note or page and: 


  1. Click the magnifying glass on the left sidebar or press CTRL/CMD + F.
  2. Click the note name under the search field.
  3. Enter your search term.
  4. Click a search result to navigate to that note.

How do I search for something without typing any text?

To search for something using only filters, enter an asterisk * into the search box.

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Alternatively, you can search for information using Reports. In Reports, you can see your search results as a chart and a list of tasks. You can make your search more specific by using filters like projects, due dates, and more. To do so:

  1. Select Reports from the left sidebar.
  2. Click the Project widget in the top-left corner of the Reports interface and select the project(s) for which you'd like to generate your report. (Alternatively, select All Projects.)
  3. Select any additional filters to narrow down the search. This feature is limited for Basic and Pro users. Business users can apply the following filters:
    - Status: Search for open tasks, completed tasks and/or deleted tasks.
    - Created: Search for tasks that have been created within a certain time period.
    - Date range (Completed tasks, due dates, task creation date):
       - Created: Search for tasks that have been created within a certain time period.
       - Completed: Search for tasks that have been completed in a certain time period.
       - Due: Search for tasks that are due in a certain time period.
    - Assignees: Search for tasks that are assigned to a specific person.
    - Tags: Search for tasks with a specific tag(s).

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How do I search for tasks assigned to a specific person?

Basic and Pro users have limited access to the Reports feature.
Business users have full access to the Reports feature.

Use Reports to search for a task assigned to a specific person:

  1. Select the Reports icon from the left sidebar.
  2. Click the Project widget in the top-left corner of the Reports interface and select the project(s) for which you'd like to generate your report. (Alternatively, select All Projects.)
  3. Take a look at the filter Status and Created This Month. Adjust these depending on whether you want to include completed or deleted tasks and for your preferred time span.
  4. Select the + icon.
  5. Select Assignee.
  6. Select the specific team member.

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How do I search for all tasks with specific tags?

Basic and Pro users have limited access to the Reports feature.
Business users have full access to the Reports feature.

Use Reports to search for all tasks with specific tags:

  1. Select Reports icon from the left sidebar.
  2. Click the Project widget in the top-left corner of the Reports interface and select the project(s) for which you'd like to generate your report. (Alternatively, select All Projects.)
  3. Take a look at the filter Status and Created This Month. Adjust these depending on whether you want to include completed or deleted tasks and for your preferred time span.
  4. Select the + icon.
  5. Select Tags.
  6. Choose as many tags as you like.

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If you want to search within a specific project board, you can easily filter your view directly in the project. Search for keywords and use filters on the right sidebar. You can choose as many tags as you want to narrow down your search.

How do I search for tasks across all projects that are due this week?

Basic and Pro users have limited access to the Reports feature.
Business users have full access to the Reports feature.

Use Reports to search for all tasks that are due this week:

  1. Select the Reports icon from the left sidebar. 
  2. Click the Project widget in the top-left corner of the Reports interface and select All Projects.
  3. Take a look at the filter Status and Created This Month. Adjust these depending on whether you want to include completed or deleted tasks and for your preferred time span.
  4. Select the + icon.
  5. Select Date Range
  6. Select Due.
  7. Select This week.

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How do I search for tasks that are overdue?

Basic and Pro users have limited access to the Reports feature.
Business users have full access to the Reports feature.

Use Reports to search for all tasks that are already due:

  1. Select Reports icon from the left sidebar.
  2. Click the Project widget in the top-left corner of the Reports interface and select the project(s) for which you'd like to generate your report. (Alternatively, select All Projects.)
  3. Take a look at the filter Status and Created This Month. Adjust these depending on whether you want to include completed or deleted tasks and for your preferred time span.
  4. Select the + icon.
  5. Select Date Range.
  6. Select Due.
  7. Select Custom.
  8. Choose the date range on the calendar, e.g. from the beginning of the year to yesterday.

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Why is the shortcut for search on Apple computers CMD + K, and on Windows computers CTRL + K, instead of CTRL + F?

Most web browsers let you search on a page by pressing CMD + F. MeisterTask uses CMD + K instead.

This way, we don't interfere with your browser's search function, keeping it available for use.

By using CMD + K, you can quickly search within MeisterTask while still being able to use your browser's search feature when needed.

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