This article applies to all users.
MeisterTask projects are owned by the team. In most cases, the team that created the project is the owning team.
Owning Team is a team who owns the project.
You can view the owner of any project by selecting the Info tab in the Project Settings menu.
Owning Team: Owning Team is a team who owns the project.
Team Admin: Manages team-wide settings and permissions. Can add or remove members from the team. Controls billing and subscription settings for the team.
Content Manager: Manages specific projects rather than the entire team. Can add or remove members from their projects.
Why Is Project Ownership So Important?
Project ownership has important consequences for users who wish to leave a project or assign Content Manager roles to users who are not part of the owning team. When performing these actions, please keep in mind:
- At least one member of the owning team must remain in the project.
- Business Users: If Roles and Permissions are enabled in the project, at least one member of the owning team must be assigned the "Content Manager" role.
Projects Created By Individual Users
If an individual user joins a new team, ownership of their projects will be immediately transferred to their new team. If the user leaves the team, the project ownership will stay with the team.
What is Project Ownership?
Every MeisterTask project has a project owner.
In most cases, the project owner is the MeisterTask team that created the project.
Please be aware, projects cannot be owned by a single user. Projects are always owned by the entire team, even if you are a team of one.
Example: You are currently working alone and have created 3 projects. You want to invite another user to your team. Once they are added, the projects that both you and they created are now owned collectively by your team. The projects are not owned by either you or the new user because project ownership is never tied to a single team member.
Even if you only have one license and do not have any other team members, you are still a team of one with a team name. Keep this in mind for later.
Where Can I See Who Owns a Project?
To find out who owns a project:
- Open the project.
- Select the project name at the top of your project board.
- At the bottom of the Info tab, you can see which team owns the project and who created it.
The creator and the project owner can be different! Always keep in mind that Project ownership has important consequences and is, therefore, key information.
To find out whether your team owns a project, please double-check that your team’s name is the same as the one depicted in Project Settings.
Where Can I See My Own Team’s Name?
To find out your team’s name:
- Click your user avatar in the top-right corner of MeisterTask.
- Select Account.
- Look for the name below your username in the top-left corner.
Is My Colleague on the Same Team as Me?
To check who is on your team:
- Click your user avatar in the top-right corner of MeisterTask.
- Select Account.
- Select My Team on the left sidebar - Here you can see all of your team members.
Why can I not see the My Team section in the left sidebar?
If the sidebar does not depict the section My Team, you are part of the team but not a Team Admin. My Team is only visible to Team Admins. To find out whether a colleague is part of your team, please ask your Team Admin.
How can I contact my Team Admin?
1. Open the Account section.
2. Select Plans in the left sidebar.
3. Select Contact Team Admin.
What if I can only see my name in the My Team list?
If you are the only person listed, then you do not have any team members.
Who Has Access to the Project?
To check who joined the project:
- Open the project.
- Select the project name at the top of your project board.
- Select Sharing - Here you can see everyone who is part of the project.
I See Many People in the Project. Are They on My Team?
The name at the top of each gray box is the team name. The names below indicate the members of the respective team.
The Content Manager is always on the owning team. If you aren’t sure which is the owning team, find the Content Manager. This will indicate the owning team.
If your name is in a different gray box to the Content Manager, you are not part of the team that owns the project.
Only people who are on the owning team can be Content Manager. People who are not on the owning team cannot be Content Manager. People who are not on the owning team can only be assigned the roles Contributor, Guest, Commentator and Viewer. Learn more about this here.
What Is the Difference Between a Team Admin and Content Manager?
Both Team Admin and Content Manager roles have specific responsibilities and permissions, but they operate at different levels within MeisterTask.
Team Admin
- Manages team-wide settings and permissions.
- Can add or remove members from the team.
- Controls billing and subscription settings for the team.
- Cannot add or remove members to projects.
Content Manager
- Manages specific projects rather than the entire team.
- Can add or remove members from their projects.
- Has control over project settings, such as workflow, task assignments, and deadlines.
- Cannot modify team settings nor invite new members to the team.
- Focuses on the management and success of individual projects.
In summary, the Team Admin has broader, team-wide control, including membership and billing, while the Content Manager is focused on managing the details and personnel of specific projects.
Where Can I Check Who the Content Manager Is?
To check who the Content Manager is:
- Open the project.
- Select the project name at the top of your project board.
- Select Sharing - Here you can see who has the Content Manager role.
Can Projects Have Multiple Content Managers?
Yes. Projects can have multiple Content Managers.
Please note, only people who are on the owning team can be given the Content Manager role.
Can Projects Have Multiple Project Owners?
No. Projects can only have one project owner.
I Want To Give My Colleague the Role of Content Manager, but It Is Not Working. What Should I Do?
You cannot give the Content Manager role to someone who is not part of the team owning the project. Check that your colleague is part of the owning team.
If they are, please follow this guide.
If they are not, the colleague would have to switch teams. If you invite the colleague to the owning team, then you can give them the role of Content Manager.
I Have Created Several Private Projects. Do I Own These Projects?
No, Private Projects (as well as Team Projects) are owned by the team. Should you ever decide to leave the team, then the team will keep ownership of the project.
I Want To Leave the Team and Take My Projects With Me. What Do I Need To Do?
The projects are owned by the team, so you cannot take them with you.
Nevertheless, you can always export a project, save it to your device and import the project to your new team in the future.
How Can I Transfer the Project Ownership to My Team?
To transfer the ownership of a project to your team, invite the current project owner to your team. This is possible if the project owner is on a Basic plan.
Once the user has accepted your invitation and joined your team, ownership will be shared among all team members in your team.
Please note that all of the new joiners’ projects will change ownership. The team who has invited the person will become the new project owner of all new projects.
It is not possible to invite a team member on a paid plan to your team. If they want to join, they must first leave their paying team to become a Basic user.
The Project Is Owned by Someone Who Is No Longer Working for Us. How Can I Get Ownership?
Please get in touch with the ex-colleague to ask if they can export the project and send you the file via email. When you receive the file, you can import the project. Your team will be the owner of the imported project.
To avoid situations like this in the future, always make sure that any colleagues you're collaborating with are on your team. Make sure to invite colleagues into your team as soon as possible.
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